
Image processing/Segmentation 4

[Part 3] Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning, A survey

Written by Shervin Minaee, Yuri Boykov, Fatih Porikli, Antonio Plaza, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, and Demetri Terzopoulos Fully convolutional networks Convolutional models with graphical models Encoder-decoder based models Multi-scale and pyramid network based models R-CNN based models(for instance segmentation) Dilated convolutional models and DeepLab family Recurrent neural network based models Attent..

[Part 2] Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning, A survey

Written by Shervin Minaee, Yuri Boykov, Fatih Porikli, Antonio Plaza, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, and Demetri Terzopoulos Fully convolutional networks Convolutional models with graphical models Encoder-decoder based models Multi-scale and pyramid network based models R-CNN based models(for instance segmentation) Dilated convolutional models and DeepLab family Recurrent neural network based models Attent..

[Part 1] Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning, A survey

Written by Shervin Minaee, Yuri Boykov, Fatih Porikli, Antonio Plaza, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, and Demetri Terzopoulos 논문에서 다루고자 하는 카테고리는 아래와 같으며, 3회에 걸쳐 리뷰해볼까 합니다. Fully convolutional networks Convolutional models with graphical models Encoder-decoder based models Multi-scale and pyramid network based models R-CNN based models(for instance segmentation) Dilated convolutional models and DeepLab famil..

Metrics for segmentation Models

서로 다른 Segmentation 모델들에 대해 성능 비교하기 위해서는 benchmark 데이터 셋에 대한 평가지표가 필요하며, 가장 많이 쓰이는 merics들을 정리해보고자 한다. Pixel accuracy Mean Pixel Accuracy(MPA) Intersection over Union(IoU) Mean-IoU Precision/Recall/F1 score Dice coefficient Pixel accuracy : 분할된 픽셀 수(classified)를 전체 픽셀 수로 나눈다. K+1개의 클래스(K는 foreground class - 분할하고자 하는 물체의 수, 1은 background-배경)라고 할때, 수식은 다음과 같다. $ PA = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{K}p_{ii}}{\su..
